Materials Testing
The RB&G Engineering materials laboratory, one of the most comprehensive in the state, is located next to our main office in Provo, Utah. We regularly set up and staff field laboratories for individual projects as needed. The RB&G laboratory was the first in Utah to become accredited in soils, concrete, and asphalt through AASHTO. Accreditation is granted by AAP and that accreditation is limited to the laboratory and the standards for which the laboratory is accredited. Our lab and technicians are also accredited by UDOT/WAQTC, among other organizations. All testing associated with design and construction is performed in-house. RB&G maintains a rigorous in-house technician training program to help ensure testing personnel provide high-quality services consistent with established standards.
Our technicians, managers, and administrative staff understand and appreciate the importance of timely communication and thorough documentation for all projects, and particularly for federal-aid projects such as those managed by UDOT. In addition to providing testing services for projects designed in-house by RB&G and as part of an RB&G Construction Engineering effort, we also provide Quality Control and Quality Assurance testing for contractors and owners, respectively, and can provide personnel to augment the inspection and testing staffs of municipalities and counties on their construction projects.